
Our Goal

The I-10 Connect project encompasses extensive improvements to vehicular and pedestrian circulation and access to the Bridge of the Americas Port of Entry (US/Mexico Border Crossing). The goal of our design was directed at the border crossing to incorporate symbolism from both the United States and Mexico which welcomes visitors and creates a ‘Gateway’ at  one of the busiest crossings along the border. A network of wide pedestrian pathways, xeriscape plantings, and safety lighting were all incorporated into the project to create a safely functioning and efficient landscape that is anticipated to serve vehicular and pedestrian traffic demands for the years to come.

The LJA Roadmap

The project focused on the appearance from the start, ensuring that the implementation of the sixteen newly constructed bridges and associated roads matched existing artistic features. Simultaneously, it aimed to give the areas leading to the border a new identity, enhancing safety and access for pedestrians and vehicles. Connections to the El Paso Zoo, Botanical Gardens, Chamizal National Memorial Park, nearby schools and parks were all considered. Wider and more separated pathways were constructed throughout the corridor contrasting the former five foot width sidewalks which were placed immediately at the back of curb along the busy streets and intersections.

What We Offered

  • Illumination Design
  • Landscape Architecture

Creating Connections

The Golden Eagle and the Bald Eagle were illustrated into murals on walls leading up to the border crossing with mountain inspired patterns that can be seen by vehicular travelers as they enter and exit the border crossing.

These murals symbolize the connection between the two cities and nations along the historic trade route, El Paso del Norte Obelisks which once delineated the border between the two nations were also used as a new symbol of connectivity, guiding pedestrians to the border and acting as a marker for those traveling through the new gateway.


Using Natural Surroundings

Desert Museum Palo Verde guides individuals from west to east along Paisano, flanked by pockets of native xeriscape plantings and vibrant native gravels. Approaching the corridor, the Palo Verde plantings mark the outermost ring of concentric circles formed by gabion walls, stone veneer bands, and native gravels, symbolizing the historical course of the Rio Grande, the natural border between the two nations.


A Closer Look at I-10 Connect

Our Impact in Planning and Landscape Architecture

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