Our Goal
Made up of a northern and southern landing, the Lynchburg Ferry carries pedestrians, bicycles, and over 2,000 vehicles per day across the Houston ship channel. This ferry’s present-day location can trace its origins back to 1822.
LJA’s mission was to provide pre-design (Phase I) engineering services. LJA prepared an evaluation study of the existing facility and proposed costed upgrades to the system. Use of sustainability in design with use of composite materials was encouraged to increase durability, resistance to corrosion, and overall increase in the life cycle of the ferry system.
The LJA Roadmap
This award-winning project was completed in two distinct phases. The initial phase was an emergency response effort, requiring the complete replacement of infrastructure at the North and South ferry landings and the restoration of the North berthing facility that had suffered damage during Hurricane Harvey. The subsequent phase, referred to as the “Post Harvey” phase, included a range of enhancements and upgrades to the pre-existing facilities.
The emergency project (Phase I) encompassed several critical components, including:
• Conducting comprehensive field and bathymetric surveys of the landings and berthing areas.
• Performing underwater inspections to assess the damage to the timber pile structures resulting from the hurricane.
• Carrying out a geotechnical investigation involving deep borings to address increased scour concerns following the hurricane.
• Designing emergency repairs for the fender/dolphin system, which includes wing walls adjacent to the ramp, protective dolphins, and mooring dolphins.
• Implementing the replacement of gantry towers.
• Overhauling the ramp bearings.
• Executing essential repairs to the ramps.
• Providing construction phase services to ensure the successful implementation of the project.
Phase II of the project, known as the “Post Hurricane Harvey” phase, included:
• Comprehensive land and bathymetric surveying.
• In-depth geotechnical investigations.
• Designing a replacement bulkhead for the North berthing area.
• Installing replacement bulkheads at both the North and South ferry landings.
• Elevating the approaches to each landing, which involved designing new abutments and roadway enhancements.
• Designing replacement ramps.
• Implementing new gate equipment installations.
• Incorporating various site improvements to enhance functionality and aesthetics.
What We Offered
- Bathymetric Survey
- Marine Inspection
- Geotechnical Investigation
Working with TxDot
The project received Federal Funding for construction and will be a Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Local Let project, following Local Government Projects Program (LGPP) regulations.