Our Goal
The City of McKinney engaged our team of experts to update the master plan for a 15-year old sports complex. The goal was to improve the overall facility for tournaments and other income-generating events. The master planning process for the 13-field complex involved redefining vehicular circulation to create a more pedestrian-friendly environment. New amenities include a central plaza with shade structure additions, a splash play area, a pond boardwalk, and several playgrounds with varied play activities.
The LJA Roadmap
LJA performed a circulation analysis to better understand vehicular and pedestrian circulation on the existing site and proposed additional connections to improve the circulation. This study was useful in planning the phasing for the project to align with the City’s funds and also providing use of the fields as improvements were made.
What We Offered
- Land Planning
- Civil Engineer
- Landscape Architecture
- H&H
Sports Complex Upgrades
Other improvements include synthetic turf additions, new bleachers, additional restroom/storage buildings, and a locker room building. The goal of the improvements is to upgrade the complex to a world class facility, which will enhance the City’s competitiveness in attracting tournaments for soccer and other sports.